Stranger Things Season 3 Review

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Strangers Things is back and more insane than ever in its third season. 

**This review may contain mild spoilers. 

Stranger Things, Robin (Maya Hawke)

There are lots of reasons to get excited about this third installment, mainly with the season 2 finale revealing that the Mind Flyer is still around and ready to wreak havoc. As the show continues to grow, so does its young cast. That hasn’t been an issue as we have gotten to see different pairings creating some interesting plotlines.

Stranger Things, Courtesy of Netflix

The plot is split into three parts, introducing the series newbies like Robin, Alexei, and Murray. Robin’s story pairs her with Steve and introduces the first openly gay character on the show. Murray and Alexei are a perfect match by the nature of their characters, but both of them are charming in their own way. 

The kids get split up more than they were in the previous seasons, we do get more little recaps than we have before. Sometimes its necessary, other times not so much, there is a lot going on. We have Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Erica have a Russin problem; Hopper, Joyce, Alexei, and Murray have serious communication issues and some unresolved feelings; El, Max, Wil, Mike, Jonathan, Nancy, and Lucas have to fight some possessed neighbors and an ugly giant Upside Down, spider-like monster. 

Stranger Things, Courtesy of Netflix

This season still keeps the humor and heart that we all love, but by the finale, hearts will be broken. Since most people might not have watched it yet, I’ll avoid any major spoilers, but make sure you have tissues on hand. There is a little bit more gore than previous seasons have used, not in a bad way. Just a lot of, well… goo.

The show gets weirder in its third season and its a good thing for Stranger Things. It lets characters like Billy to thrive while giving poor Will Byers a breather after all that he has endured the last two seasons. The stakes a pretty big compared to the past, making you wonder where the show could possibly go next (there is something at the end of episode eight so be sure to watch past the credits).

Stranger Things, Courtesy of Netflix

Overall, season three is pretty fantastic, but also a little sad. Episode eight closes a lot of chapters with some characters headed on a new adventure, leaving lots of questions as we look towards season 4.

Critic Rating: 5/5 stars

What did you think of Stranger Things‘ new season? Sound off in the comments.

Writer/Blogger. Movies, television and reviewing them are my passions. When I put my mind to something, there is nothing I can't accomplish. Ryan also has a movie blog:

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