All posts tagged "danny devito"
Neil-Denny | April 2, 2012
Sequels announced: “Anchorman 2” starring Will Ferrell; “Triplets” starring Shwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, and Eddie Murphy?
Will Ferrell is coming back in a highly-anticipated sequel to one of the most beloved and most quotable...
Paul Hentschl | September 14, 2009
“The Nightman Cometh”… to a Town Near You.
Charlie, Dennis, Mac, Dee, and Frank performing the season 5 musical "The Nightman Cometh" live as close...
Armando Cordoba | July 25, 2009
Its Always Sunny at Comic-Con
Hundreds of people are gathered around the booth in wait for the cast of It's Always Sunny in...