Vanessa Hudgens Charms Her Way In The Princess Switch
The Princess Switch, the latest movie in Netflix’s original holiday movie programming, is the kind of fun and charming Christmas movie that is sure to entertain viewers this holiday season.
Stacy (Vanessa Hudgens), a type-a planner with a penchant for schedules, takes a spontaneous trip to the charming land of Belgravia at the encouragement of her sous chef and best friend, Kevin. While preparing for the Royal Christmas Baking Contest, Stacy finds herself faced with an identical stranger and a strange request. Free-spirited but royally obligated, Duchess Margaret Delacourt (also Vanessa Hudgens) wants nothing more than one last chance to experience life as a “normal person” before she dutifully marries the Crown Prince of Belgravia. Stacy can give her that wish. From questionable equestrian skills and the true meaning of charity to slipping accents and snowball fights, this is an adventure that no holiday romantic should miss.
Vanessa Hudgens’ natural charm and charisma are what makes The Princess Switch the fun holiday movie it is. With her beautiful big eyes and a smile that can light up a room (and the screen), plus it’s she is adorable to watch her prance around in a huge closet in a silk nightgown and trying on fashionable hats, and making up lies on the spot in a flawless British accent. It’s even hilarious to watch her cry over The Christmas Prince (Netflix’s other popular original Christmas film).
However, Hudgens tries to make Stacy and Margaret fell like different people, but she plays both characters as spirited and adorable with such commitment you don’t really care. I can say that there were moments you would forget which character you were watching onscreen, but no matter who it was, you will be rooting for her.
Overall, The Princess Switch is a fun and enjoyable Christmas movie that perfect for when the classics get boring, or you don’t feel like watching the Hallmark Channel.