Movies & TV
August 29, 2017San Diego Movie Tour
San Diego is the perfect place for film makers to capture natural beaches, historic cites, original homes, parks,...
August 28, 2017Game of Thrones Season Finale: A Brief Synopsis
Unlike past seasons, Game of Thrones season 7 hit the ground running from the very first episode. Instead of building...
August 24, 2017Don’t Miss the This is Us Season 2: First Trailer
We hope that you have a full box of Kleenex in arm’s length before watching the newest trailer...
August 23, 2017Full Trailer of American Horror Story Released
Producer of American Horror Story, Ryan Murphy, has made the effort of keeping the storylines of each season under...
August 22, 2017Mark Wahlberg Named Highest Paid Actor of 2017
A rapper who clearly “transformed” into a movie star, Mark Wahlberg, was just announced as the highest paid...
August 22, 2017American Horror Story: Opening Credits Released
The only thing as creepy as a full episode of American Horror Story is the title sequence of...