Movies & TV
April 13, 2012Movie Review: “Cabin in the Woods”
“Cabin in the Woods” does the unthinkable, it surprises you. With Hollywood churning out so many predictable films,...
April 2, 2012Movie Review: “Mirror Mirror”
Snow White's newest adaptation, “Mirror Mirror,” (the first of two Snow White movies to be released this year,...
April 2, 2012Sequels announced: “Anchorman 2” starring Will Ferrell; “Triplets” starring Shwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, and Eddie Murphy?
Will Ferrell is coming back in a highly-anticipated sequel to one of the most beloved and most quotable...
March 28, 2012“Game of Thrones” : Why you should be watching and what to expect in season two
The second season of “Game of Thrones” is finally here, well…nearly here. The highly anticipated show returns on...
March 27, 2012Twilight ‘Breaking Dawn 2’ Trailer released
Twilight 'Breaking Dawn 2' Trailer was recently released. This trailer will serve as the first teaser to quench...
March 26, 2012‘Twilight’ author Stephenie Meyer creates new blockbuster with ‘The Host’
Stephenie Meyer released another bestseller, "The Host." Said to hit theaters March 29, 2013 the cast will consist...