Movies & TV
October 22, 2012Movie Review: Argo
Based on a true historical story, "Argo" is not only intelligent and entertaining, it's riveting from start to...
October 3, 2012UltraStar Cinemas Fall movie line up
UltraStar Cinemas has recently released their list of upcoming of D-Box features and Kidtoon Films for Fall. Visit...
September 25, 2012Movie Reviews: Premium Rush & Arbitrage
Late summer is an odd time to be for movies. The mega-budget blockbusters are gone and the serious,...
August 29, 2012New Fall TV 2012 Previews
Now that fall is around the corner be prepared for some exciting new tv series! With shows such...
August 23, 2012Movie Review: The Expendables 2
“The Expendables 2” (directed by Simon West) is by far one of the most exciting films to watch...
August 22, 2012Movie Review: The Bourne Legacy
Tony Gilroy, co-writer of the Bourne trilogy, takes the helm as director (replacing Paul Greengrass) this time with...