Movies & TV
December 7, 2012Movie Review: Life of Pi
Based on a novel written by Yann Martel and directed by Ang Lee, “Life of Pi” tells an...
November 16, 2012Movie Review: Skyfall
Directed by Sam Mendes, "Skyfall" marks 50 years of the most enduring icon in the world of espionage....
November 16, 2012“Wreck it Ralph” D-Box Film Review
The definition of a “bad guy” character is changed in the new Disney Animation Studios film, “Wreck-it...
November 15, 2012“Breaking Dawn – Part 2” Opens In Theaters
For “Twi-Hard” fans, the end has finally come for the “Twilight” film franchise. The last film “Breaking Dawn...
November 12, 2012Movie Review: Cloud Atlas
“Cloud Atlas,” a global journey of lives through time and space, is the epitome of epic. Adapted from...
October 24, 2012Iron Man Trailer Released
There's no doubt that Iron Man 3 will be a summer hit when it comes to theaters in...