
Staying Classy as America’s Finest Starts to Open

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The pleasant surprise we all received this week was that the ‘Gavinator’ proclaimed that he would approve San Diego County’s plan to move forward with the next stage of reopening.

It happened much more quickly than we in the media (or anyone) thought it would and has led to some scrambling by local restaurants to create compliant and safe environments.

My sources in the industry tell me that there are still a lot of folks who would not feel comfortable going to a restaurant, which is understandable. So we wanted to share the protocols which are part of the plan to approve restaurants opening, so you could have as much information as possible to make that decision for yourselves. Restaurants must follow specific guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as:

· Temperature/symptom screening for employees daily

· Employees with symptoms are not allowed to work

· All tables need to be six feet apart or have barriers separating them

· Signs need to be posted reminding customers to social distance

· Employees must wear facial coverings

· Customers must wear facial coverings except when seated

· No self-service such as buffets, salad bars, soda machines, etc.

· Encourage reservations

· Expand outdoor seating (which is already happening at many locations)

·  Before reopening, food businesses must fill and post the County Restaurant Operating Protocol (available on the County’s website)

But all of us, as citizens of this great town must do our parts. I was downtown last weekend and frankly, it was embarrassing to see some people just totally ignoring all the very protocols that have allowed San Diego to really lead all of California out of this mess we’re in. So we really have two choices; use freakin’ common sense or go back to being locked down and restricted.

Meanwhile, I am going to go check out some of my favorite spots to see how this ‘new normal’ ( I hate that term) is going to work out.

Stay healthy, stay smart, stay classy San Diego.

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