
How-To Start a Simple Indoor Herb Garden

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Using fresh herbs in your dishes makes a world of difference in flavor, but for those who don’t have have proficient outdoor space for a garden, or don’t want to continuously make trips to the supermarket, an indoor herb garden is the way to go. Not only will it allow you continuous access to fresh herbs, they look great and are easy to maintain. As long as you have a  sunny spot in your home, you’ll be able to maintain an indoor herb garden.

In order for your herbs to thrive, you’ll have to find a spot with enough natural light as possible. A spot near the window is ideal, especially if your window faces south or southwest, in order to give your herbs the longest amount of time in the sun. You’ll want to stay away from north-facing windows, as they won’t be bright enough for your herbs. If you’re unsure on which spots in your home get the most light, turn off all your lights indoors on a sunny day, and periodically check which spots have the most sunlight.herbs

Once you have your spot picked out, you’ll want to choose the herbs you want to use. Rosemary is a great choice for your indoor herb garden, with its fragrant aroma and its aesthetically pleasing look. Basil is another good choice for your indoor garden, as it’s one of the easiest herbs to grow. All it requires is a little sunlight and watering every other day. These are just a few options, but you garden can contain whatever herbs you want. It’s best if your herbs start off as seedlings, rather than seeds, so you can get your herbs growing quickly.

In order for your herbs to properly grow, the temperature of your home should be around 60-70 degrees for optimal growth. If your herbs begin to grow too fast, you can slow the growth of them by lowering the temperature of your home. If your garden is close to a window, be mindful if the herbs are touching them, as they can be negatively affected by the outdoor temperatures.

When selecting the pots that will house your herbs, you’ll want to make sure they have proper drainage. If your herbs can’t be drained, the roots of the herbs will begin to rot. You’ll also need saucers to place underneath the herb pots, to protect the surface they are on from water damage. Finally, you’ll want to consider the size of your herb pots. If the pot you choose is too big, the herbs will have a tough time keeping the soil evenly moist. If it’s too small, then your herbs growth will be stunted due to lack of room. It’s a good idea to give each herb its own pot, as it gives you the chance to address the needs of each plant individually.

The most important part of your indoor herb garden is the potting mix you use to plant them. When buying the soil, make to check the label to be sure that it is suitable for indoor garden plants. Simply using outdoor soil won’t work for indoor plants, due to it being too compact for the roots to properly breathe.

With these simple tips, will give you a quality indoor herb garden in no time!

Avid writer and reader with a curious mind. I'm always looking to get the most out of life! Follow me on Twitter @whatsaschoon

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