
How to Beat Post Graduate Depression

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Summer is slowly coming to an end, and you see all of your younger friends getting ready for another year at college. You suddenly realize that you aren’t going back and that it is time for a reality check. Graduating from college is an astounding accomplishment, but you would rather sit through Literature 360 for a two-hour lecture all over again than even begin to think about applying for an 8-5.

The most important thing to remember is, most college graduates are feeling the same way. Everyone has the sense of panic of wondering if you’ll find a job or what comes next. Postgraduate depression is real, and it’s possible to survive it if you keep your eye on your path and accept that it takes hard work and dedication.

It’s important to stick to a routine while in this phase after college. Being in school gave you a routine and a schedule to go by every day, and it can be hard to feel motivated when you no longer have set obligations. Having a routine will help you get out of this pre-adult rut and will allow you to be more motivated to move forward. Tell yourself that you will do three productive things a day such as; wake up early and make coffee, read the newspaper, and apply to 3 jobs. It’s simple when you think of the smaller steps, so make sure to take each day as it comes.

It is important that you know, everyone has been down this path before. Self-help books are a reassuring way to show yourself that people come out on the other side.  Adam Poswolsky wrote, The Quarter Life Break-Through based on his experience with being out of work and completely broke. Poswolsky shares insight on how to determine if your worries are based on fear or fact, allowing you to think clearly and determine how logically solve problems.

Stepping outside your comfort zone may seem like something that you don’t want to do, but the sooner you take risks, the sooner you’ll learn that you have value. Do things that most other 20-somethings wouldn’t: reach out to people on LinkedIn, follow up with people after an interview, and connect with people in person. Don’t ever feel uncomfortable for reaching out to someone or for asking a professional about job openings. People will be more than willing to help if you simply ask for it.

The most important thing about surviving post-grad depression is knowing how to deal with rejection. You may not be landing your dream job right out of college, but everything is a stepping stone. Each experience will make you more and more valuable until finally, you get a call to interview at your dream company. What most new graduates fail to see is that you can’t skip the journey and go straight to the end. Sometimes you change your mind and do a complete 180, choosing a different career completely. Other times you get your dream job right away; everyone has their own path. Comparing your journey and your rejection to others will only take your focus away from the most important path: yours.

Remember to stay active in the job market and make yourself one step closer to reaching your goals with every interview, connection, and opportunity.

"When asked, 'How do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'"-Stephen King

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