Don’t Stress! Learn How to Manage Stress with These Helpful Tips
Your heart starts to beat faster and you can feel your sweaty palms start to shake. Stress is something that can control you if you don’t know how to take care of it. This mental state of thinking can cause you to over think and become panicked with fear. So what is the best way to relax and handle your stress?
Anti Anxiety Tea
Choose a non caffeinated tea and relax. Some of the best stress relieving teas include peppermint, lemon balm, passion flower, and green tea. These healing teas will calm you down in your moment of stress, and it will relieve some of the tension you are feeling. This is the perfect drink to consume right before bed, as it will relax you and your mind.
Don’t run away from your problems, but you can run to help release your stressed out energy. Running is the perfect way to work up a sweat and forget about your stress for a while. Hit the gym with a friend and you’ll feel better after a hard workout. Your brain releases endorphin’s that will relax you and you will feel stronger and more confident than ever.
Write it down. It sounds simple, but it can make your mind rest more easy. Purchase a cute journal with some colorful pens and look forward to your journal session every day. Write down what’s on your mind, so you don’t have to think about it anymore. Vent to your journal about what you’re worried and stressed about, and you’re mind will feel at ease.
Talk to a Friend
Having good friends is important especially when you are stressed out. Talking your problems out will help you feel heard and you can even get some advice. When you release your thoughts you will feel so much better knowing that you have been heard and it feels great knowing people care about you. Call a friend you trust and let them help you, because there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.
Read a Book
If your mind is going in a million different directions in this world, escape into another one. Escape into a book that makes you feel relaxed and stable. When you feel your hands start to shake, reach for your book and know that you can have an hour for yourself and your book.
Take a Deep Breath
Take three deep breaths. Tell yourself it’s going to be okay. Tell yourself it’s not the end of the world that you didn’t get the job or grade you wanted. Sit in your room with a scented candle and take a deep breath while releasing positive thoughts. Since over thinking is caused by stressed, we must discover what calms us. The perfect place to start looking for relaxation, is in three deep breaths.
Everyone has had stress in their life. Whether it be from school, relationships, or jobs, we will live in a fast paced world that never stops moving. When you feel the pressure start to kick in, grab your favorite tea, a good book, and take three deep breaths. Tell yourself things will workout and stress is only temporary.