
3 Tips to Revamp Your Holiday Beauty Routine

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It’s time to get out your favorite holiday party dress, best ugly sweater, get your hair done, and elevate your beauty routine for the coming celebrations. The holidays are here again, and this year, get ready to put together a one-of-a-kind look that will leave a lasting impression. In order to get yourself ready for the holidays, it is a good idea to revamp your beauty routine. This special time of year can call for some added steps to your routine that you may not include in your regimen other times of the year. Read on to check out three fabulous ways to perfect your beauty routine for the holidays.

Audit Your Beauty Bag

Do you have a beauty bag that is cluttered and full of many half-used tubes of mascara, and a plethora of leftover eyeliner pencil nubs? Throughout the year you have probably found yourself using a product for a period of time and then moving on to the next new trend. Before you know it, your beauty stash is overflowing with things you have not touched in months.

It’s time to purge your unused and unwanted products, so you can cut through the clutter and have some staples on hand to put together your holiday look.

Not only does decluttering your beauty bag help you get organized, but it has great health benefits as well. Bacteria can grow on products when they are exposed to air or make contact with your skin. The last thing you want is to get an infection right before a holiday date night, or a family gathering. Therefore, keep yourself healthy by using a great makeup bag that keeps it all organized, get rid of old products, and use brand new ones you truly like.

Set Aside Time For Self-Care

The holidays are arguably one of the busiest times of the year. There is probably a lot on your mind and you have so many things to do in very little time. You may find it hard to take a moment for yourself or be tempted to skip steps in your regular beauty routine to save time some days.

However, beauty regimens and self-care go hand in hand. Often your beauty routine is a way to prioritize your health and wellness. The holidays can be stressful and you don’t want to neglect self-care during this time of year. Even with everything you are trying to take care of, make sure that you set aside a dedicated time for your beauty routine.

This can be in the morning first thing when you wake up or every night before bed to decompress. It does not mean that you have to spend a lot of time, but give yourself at least 15-30 minutes to focus on your routine and nothing else.

For instance, try relaxing by focusing on your skin-care. With the stress of the holidays, applying an acne medication cream can help you to target any pimples, prevent future breakouts, and promote healthy skin. You can also try unwinding at the end of each day with some face yoga, a massage, using some essential oils, or adding epsom salts to your bath which can help exfoliate your skin. 


Try Something New

You probably have a set beauty routine you have fallen into for a while or a go-to look you like to wear. However, the holidays are a great time to try something new and explore a fun look—with all the glitz and the glam!

It’s time to try something bold or outside the box. Something great for the holidays could be to try out an icy eye shadow. You can create some dramatic looks with some beautiful hues like deep blues or frosty whites. To take this a step further you could try a deep blue mascara instead of your standard black.

If you want to go for the glam, you can go for a blinged-out look by adding some rhinestones into the mix. Either way, there are plenty of options to try for a show-stopping holiday makeup look for your next party. Your friends and family are sure to compliment you and it could make an amazing impression on those you haven’t seen in a while.

It can be refreshing to switch things up and not always fall back on the same old look. Who knows, you may find a whole new style you will want to carry over into the new year or your new favorite product!

Revamping your beauty routine for the holidays not only gives you the opportunity to create a killer look but the chance to try something new, prioritize self-care and build healthy habits. Taking time to evaluate and update your beauty routine this holiday season is well worth it, and the results are sure to speak for themselves.


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