Entertainment & Events
Don’t Miss the Julian Dance and Backcountry BBQ on June 10th
The 11th Annual Julian Dance and Backcountry BBQ is on June 10th, and you won’t want to miss it. The dance and BBQ is put on by the Sons of the American Legion at the beautiful Menghini Winery. The event is a massive fundraiser for multiple charities in and around Julian, and it’s also a fun, unique way to have a good time. The fundraiser feels like a huge family party and is reminiscent of the good ol’ days and a simpler time with twinkly lights and bonfires back-dropped by dark mountain skies.
The Julian Dance and Back Country BBQ is an outdoor event in its 11th year. The brain-child of the Sons of the American Legion in Julian, it began and has grown as an event to raise funds for Veterans, kids, local schools and other charitable organizations in the community. From the beginning, the “Dance” has featured the best in country music and dancing on the huge floor and stage built by the Sons. This year, the musical guests are Three Chord Justice, The California Rangers, and headliner Nancarrow. Nancarrow is an original honky-tonk band born out of Southern California. Fronted by singer/songwriter Graham Nancarrow, the band infuses raw energy and classic tones to tell their unique brand of American song, and their style is just perfect for this special event.
Fabulous BBQ has been a keystone of the event with all the food cooked on-site in the Santa Maria style on an open oak flame. The BBQ is made with care and love by The Sons. The Sons start the day before the event hand rubbing the meat with their special blend of seasoning and roast it on-site the day of the event over open oak flames in giant barbecues. In addition they serve delicious ranch beans, coleslaw and roll that rounds out a hearty plate. There is always a vegetarian meal offered and other entrees from time to time. Dessert is always on the menu as well. Local craft beers have also been mainstays of the event as well as Menghini wine and hard apple cider
If you’re looking for some good, old fashioned fun to support a good cause, come down to the Menghini Winery on Saturday from 2pm-10pm. Tickets are $25 at the door.
Learn more at juliandance.org.