
Project Cocktail, a new venture for iTunes

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Provided by Alvaro_Farfan via 'Flickr'

Provided by 'Alvaro_Farfan' via Flickr

With the digital age booming, iTunes is looking to bring a new feature to its already extensive digital booklet. Project Cocktail, as Apple is calling it, was made in order to give the customer a virtual experience of buying a CD. Rather than just giving the bare essentials Project Cocktail now offers an extensive amount of features, much like a tangible CD would. With the purchase of an album via iTunes, not only will you get a impressive digital booklet, but you will be provided with lyrics, and music videos as well.

With the dwindling profit in the music industry, Project Cocktail is looking to be the valiant hero who will conquer the pirating monster that is laying siege to the world. The powers that will help conquer this monster(or iTunes think will) is the ability of providing the user with a virtual CD experience that can rival an actual physical one. Project Cocktail is set to launch in September, but will it work?

The idea of trying to mimic the purchase of a tangible CD via a digital source is nearly impossible. The information may be viewable on your PC, or Mac, however the ability to carry it, touch it,  or scratch it is lacking. There’s something about the actual purchase of an album, whether it be on a vinyl or CD that you can not simulate, and no matter how hard you try it can’t be done. Despite all this, there is a much greater threat to Project Cocktail’s success, the internet, and P2P sharing.

Let’s face it, if people are willing to pirate music with no extras like lyrics, videos , and other things, then why would they bother with Project Cocktail? Pirating is, and will continue to be, the biggest hurdle for the media generation. The whole world is tapped into the net, and will always be willing to steal and get what they can for free. If they cant get what is provided for them on Project Cocktail, they’ll just go online and upload it. Humans by nature are logical beings, and buying something you can attain for free is much more logical then buying it on some program with a fancy title.

Project Cocktail, and the heads of the media industry need to stop churning out meaningless programs that hope to simulate something that has been lost for 6-10 years now. No one buys CD’s anymore, and its been that way for a while now. Until the Internet is shackled and controlled, endeavors like Project Cocktail, although valiant, will come up empty handed.

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